Energy Storage Power Supply Targeted At Home Scenarios

Happiness is nothing more than having fireworks in the kitchen and warmth at home. This should be the definition of happiness for 90% of people. Storing a home energy storage device for each household will undoubtedly increase happiness and warmth.

A warm and comfortable home is everyone’s yearning. Such beautiful scenes are always played in film and television works. When the weather is freezing, drink a cup of hot coffee made by your partner in a warm room. Then cuddle up on the sofa and watch classic movies together.

The important indicator of living happiness is not the luxury and extravagance of the residence, nor the exquisite presentation of the food. It’s about being able to have everything go smoothly at home, and having everything ready and ready for use when needed. Nowadays, the popularity of smart home systems and the convenience of the Internet have made power supply an integral part that cannot be ignored.

However, life and plot always cannot synchronize at certain moments. Unexpected power outages or unstable power grids cause problems in daily electricity consumption. From indoor temperature, food storage, paperless office to leisure and entertainment, all aspects of experience have been greatly reduced.

POWERFAR has long targeted household electricity, a promising energy storage scenario. We want to use innovative products to provide the best living electricity experience for people around the world.

Energy Storage Power Supply Targeted At Home Scenarios

Understand the value of home energy storage in 10 seconds

It can improve the energy self-sufficiency of households, reduce dependence on traditional power grids, and reduce electricity costs.

Excess electricity, such as solar energy, can be stored during the day and then used at night or during peak and valley electricity prices. This will increase the proportion of self-consumption and save electricity bills.

Ensure the reliability and safety of household power supply and respond to emergencies such as power outages. Home energy storage can provide backup power during power outages. Ensure the basic electricity needs of the family and avoid losses and inconvenience caused by power outages.

Promote the consumption and utilization of renewable energy, achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, and protect the environment.

To sum up, the role of home energy storage is multifaceted. It is not only beneficial to the family’s economic benefits and quality of life, but also to society’s energy transition and environmental protection.

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Technical innovation of POWERFAR home energy storage

Qiu Kaijian, the brand founder of POWERFAR, was once the leader in China’s automotive emergency power supply category. One of the top 10 pioneers in China’s outdoor power supply category. He has more than 10 years of practical experience in the energy storage field. He has led the development of many brand product lines and technology introduction and research and development.

POWERFAR’s home energy storage product Shadow S was originally developed to bring consumers a shadow-like electric energy experience.

With the rapid development of the industry and the explosion of huge potential. The founder also used the momentum of accumulation and development to launch the industry’s first blade battery energy storage power supply. This has increased the battery volume utilization rate of the POWERFAR brand Shadow S energy storage product by more than 50%. The energy storage endurance has also been increased by more than 50%. It also has the advantages of less heat generation and fast heat dissipation during short circuit. Attracting frequent attention and investment cooperation from the capital market.

The all-aluminum alloy die-casting process is used to create the product appearance. Improve the fire protection, waterproof, anti-collision, high temperature resistance, and corrosion resistance levels of energy storage products to the ceiling.

It directly addresses the pain points of consumers who desire convenience and product safety when using electricity at home. Strengthen product and brand safety and have a sense of energy that is always present.

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Create scenario-based positioning

POWERFAR Shadow S has a rated power of 3500W and can be used to power 99.9% of the electrical appliances in the home. The battery capacity is as high as 5120Wh, which is enough for 12 hours of emergency use for ordinary households.

Equipped with a universal wheel design, it highlights that the Shadow S home energy storage power supply meets the needs of contemporary people who seek speed and efficiency for convenience and regionalized electricity consumption.

Whether it is the living room, bedroom, kitchen, study room, gaming room, etc. POWERFAR Shadow S focuses on the combination of powerful products in terms of appearance, performance and parameters. Pay close attention to consumers’ needs and preferences and shorten the distance between brands and consumers.

In the future, POWERFAR will develop more products that focus on consumers’ core needs around more electricity needs for home energy storage. Research and development are penetrated into every detail and implemented into all aspects of home life. Until the barriers to home energy storage that create a complete system are broken through.

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